On a special edition of Doctor Who confidential that broadcasted on BBC One on January the 3rd, the 11th Doctor was announced. Matt Smith. Matt Smith (above) says: "I'm just so excited about the journey that is in front of me. It's a wonderful privilage and a challenge that I hope I will thrive on. I feel proud and honoured to have this opportunity to join a team of people that has worked so tirelessly to make the show so thrilling." "
"David Tennant has mad the role his own, brilliantly,with grace, talent and persistent dedication. I hope to learn by the standards set by him. The challenge for me is to do justice to the show's illustrious past, my predecessors, and most importantly, to those who watch it. I really cannot wait." While the lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat said: "The Doctor is a very special part, and it takes a very special actor to play him. You need to be old and young at the same time, a boffin and an action hero, a cheeky schoolboy and the wise old man of the universe. As soon as Matt walked through the door, and blew us away with a bold and brand new take on the Time Lord, we knew we had our man. 2010 is a long time away but rest assured the 11th Doctor is coming -and the universe has never been so safe.