It's Olly here, back for another Doctor Who review!
I know I am super late since the second episode of series 5 was aired last Sunday the 9th of May, but boy was it good! With 'Liz 10', to the Doctor and Amy landing in the Beast's mouth!
Oh, and also, I can't add any more pics (or only a few) cause my family have almost reached their download limit, so don't expect like 10 photos only 2 or 3! So, here I go ...
It starts off with a line of children and a Smiler telling them 'good job'. When a small boy called Timmy goes up, the Smiler's face turns angry, saying "Bad boy, Timmy" and he then walks out of the room. His sister, Mandy, is worried that he got a 'Bad boy', he then can't go on the normal elevator, but has to go in his own. The floor then gives way and this is all we see of Timmy for now.
It then goes to Amy flying outside the TARDIS (with it's dark blue paint job), and the Doctor holding her ankle. She sees a strange ship below her and asks the Doctor what it is, he brings her back in explains that it is 'Starship UK' or 'Britain in the Sky' as the Doctor puts it. On the monitor Amy sees a girl crying, and the Doctor says "Let's go!" Amy stares at the monitor, asking questions to the Doctor, who is now, on the monitor. A suprised Amy then walks out of the TARDIS, into a red street, with people on bycycles, and various stalls. She then meets the Doctor and he asks her to realise whats wrong with the ship, anything. She says bycycles, and he points to her in her 'Nighty'. "Oh my god, I'm in my Nighty!" Amy says. The Doctor then takes a galss of water and puts it on the ground, looking at it for a second.
A man behind them, speaks into a comlink about the Doctor and the glass, the man at the other end calls a woman in a red robe, who, once finished with the call, puts on a white mask and walks out of the room.
The Doctor then shows Amy the crying girl, finding out that nobody wants to know her, they all know why she is crying. He sends Amy after her and goes to "Stay out if trouble, which I do, Badly."
Amy finds the girl by a big circus tent named 'Magpie electricals' if you notice, it's also from "The Idiot's Lantern" where it is a old-fashioned T.V. shop. The girl is called Mandy, and had notice the Doctor and Amy following her. Amy asks her about the Smilers, and she replies that the Smilers look over Starship UK. Amy goes into Magpie Electricals and encounters a strange beast, and once she has crawled out, is confronted by men in black robes and is knocked out.

Doesn't that shop look like an ice-cream store from up here?
The Doctor, meanwhile, is in the negine room, and is confronted by "Liz Ten" who is acting like Princess Leia, saying "Help us Doctor, you are our only hope" She realises that the Doctor knows that there are no engines and after a quick chat, she hands the Doctor a tracking device to lead him to Amy.
Amy wakes up in a room, and four T.V.'s are infront of her. She is shown a series of images about the true nature of Starship UK, she had to choose either to protest and blow the Starship up, or forget what she's seen, and, instantly, on her own will, she presses the forget button. A door opens and Mandy is there, telling Amy that everyone chooses the forget button. The Doctor arrives and "Brings down the government" by pressing the Protest button, and by doind so, the floor opens up and the Doctor and Amy are sucked in.
Doctor - Um, os that the garbage disposal?
They arrive in a strange place, very red,
with waste and junk beneath their feet. The Doctor explains that it is "Kind of a tongue", shocking Amy. He uses the (now green) sonic scredriver to activate the vomit process and Amy and the Doctor are vomited out.
They land in a room, and find Liz Ten, who exclaims about seeing the doctor who was "Nighted and Exiled on the same day" by Vicki (Queen Victoria, the Series 2 episode 'Tooth and Claw'). She is revealed as the queen, Elizabeth the 10th.
Oh yeah! Queen with a gun!
She takes them back to her rooms and explains to them her problem, how she has been on this case for 10 years and the Doctor finds out more in one afternoon. They are confronted by Smilers and are taken to the London tower.

Doctor - Look! I can make the ugly thing screech!
In the tower, with the help of Liz Ten's assistant Hawthrone, they realise the ship is being powered by a "Star Whale", the last of it's kind, and Liz Ten, every ten years, has been choosing to forget over then abdicate (which would set the star whale free and the Uk would die), and let them torture the star whale. Liz Ten is faced with the same decision now. The Doctor reveals the Star Whale's screaming with the sonic, and gets angry and won't let Amy comfort him. He has to choose between the Star Whale or the UK, what was he going to do? But an hour later, Amy works it out, she sees Mandy and her brother Tommy patting a star whale tail, and then realises something. She then grabs Liz's hand and presses the Abdicate button.
The Doctor is shocked, but suddenly suprised as Hawthorne says the speed is encreasing. Amy explains that the Star Whale didn't need to be tortured, it wanted to help. It was very old, and very kind, and the very very last of it's kind, and so it couldn't just stand there and watch children cry as the world burned.
Later, Amy explains to the Doctor that he was very old, very kind, and the very last of his kind, because he couldn't stand there and watch Mandy cry for her brother. "Gotcha" she says as she squeezes him tightly.
At the end of the episode, the TARDIS gets a call from Winsten Churchill, who has a Dalek next to him, and it also shows the recurring patern of "the Crack fo the Wall" on the side of Starship UK. It also shows a shot of the Star Whale, which isn't really a beast, it is quite peaceful.