The first episode of Doctor Who Series 5 has been released in NZ last Sunday (2nd of May)!
I really enjoyed this one, and I love the new companion 'Amy Pond', but this new Doctor is very dark, darker then David Tennant, but this episode had so many jokes i fell off the couch laughing!

I will give all you that may have missed it a run through,
The Doctor is newly regenerated, and the TARDIS is in flames, crashing into the earth, but the Doctor manages to land the police box, in the garden of a around 5 year old girl, Amelia Pond.

At the time of the crashing, Amelia is praying to Santa to fix the mysterious crack in her bedroom wall, that she thinks is not an ordinary crack. Seeing the police box, she thinks Santa has sent her someone to help her, saying "Thank you, Santa" she takes a torch and goes to explore the police box. The Doctor pops out, saying he fell into the swimming pool in the library, Amelia is confused, but lets the Doctor (who has a craving for apples, and is quite shocked about it) into her house. She gives him an apple, but after one bite he hates it, then yogurt, hates that too, and then the Doctor is quite rude saying to Amelia "Your Scottish, fry something". She cooks him some bacon, he spits it out, then beans, it goes in the sink with the Doctor saying "bad, bad, beans", when offered bread and butter, he throws it into the backyard. He then decides he wants fish fingers dipped in custard,

and then remarks that the crack in Amelia's wall must be pretty scary. Once finished with the meal, the Doctor takes Amelia up to her room, and opens the crack in her wall with his sonic. It reveals a giant eye, and a deep voice. The Doctor then closes it up, and he and Amelia rush to the yard, he promises Amelia that he will be gone 5 minutes and to pack a bag. He then leaves in the TARDIS to no one knows where, and Amelia sits outside, waiting.
When the Doctor returns, it is morning and he goes to explore the house and is knocked out by a cricket bat.
When he wakes up, he is sitting in front of a dashing policewoman, with flaming red hair. He is handcuffed to a heater and the two start to debate. She says Amelia Pond hadn't lived in that house for 6 months. He then tells her to count the rooms on the second floor, and she does. But then he tells her to notice the door, the door out of the corner of her eye, and when she does, even though the Doctor tells her no, she enters the room. Inside she is shocked to find the sonic

screwdriver up on top of a crate. Then, she is confronted by a monster (prisoner 0), and instantly runs out of the room. She hands the Doctor the sonic, and he unlocks the handcuffs as she reveals that her uniform is a fake and that she is really a kiss-o-gram. They then escape and they are then locked out of the TARDIS, he exclaims that he crashed into the shed, when he crashed in Amelia's garden, then he licks it, and realises he has been gone 12 years, and then questions Amy about it until she screams at him "WHY DID YOU SAY 5 MINUTES!" She then reveals herself as Amelia Pond, now Amy Pond, the girl that bit 4 physcologists when they told her the Doctor wasn't real. They then realise that they have 20 minutes to save the world from the Atraxi, who will burn the planet if they don't find prisoner 0.
But Amy locks his tie in a car saying "Why should I believe you!" To prove he was real, he shows her an apple she gave him 12 years ago, with a smiley face on it, it was as fresh as the day he gave it to her, so she unlocks the car for him.

They then track down Amy's boyfriend who has a picture of the man and dog prisoner 0 is impersonating. The Doctor and Rory (the boyfriend) both realise that the man is in a hospital, in a coma. The Doctor tried to use his sonic to attract the Atraxi ship to prisoner 0 but it explodes up in the process.
While Amy and Rory head for the hospital, the Doctor goes back to Amy's friend's house and contacts a major call through all the world's major leaders. He tells them at 11:51, they should set all clocks back to 00:00, to contact all their workers, for them to contact everyone they knew and so on. He then hijacks a firetruck and goes to meet Amy at the hospital.
Amy and her Rory are being confronted by prisoner 0 in the form of a woman and two girls.

The Doctor arrives, and the two aliens confront each other. Just as the Atraxi are about to blow up the planet at 11:51, all clocks in the world turns to one number, 0. The Atraxi manages to track down prisoner 0, but as it starts to teleport, Prisoner 0 transforms into the young Amelia Pond, but the Doctor makes Amy think of what she saw in the room, the room out of the corner of her eye, and Prisoner 0 starts to impersonate itself. The Atraxi teleports Prisoner 0 away. But the Doctor calls them back, and after a quick change meets them on the roof.
He confronts the Atraxi ship, and warns it never to come to earth again.

The TARDIS key starts to glow, and the Doctor rushes back to the TARDIS to take a trip to the moon and back, promising Amy five minutes again, leaving Amy behind.
2 years later, the Doctor arrives. Amy is in her dressing gown, and is extremely pissed off with him. She wanted him to come back but he never came. He lets her in the TARDIS, and she sees the new inside design, quite wowing, I must say. She agrees to come with him, and near towards the end of the episode, a picture of the crack in the wall appears on the Doctor's monitor. Amy asks the Doctor if he can bring her back in time for 'stuff' and he agrees. Then a new green sonic screwdriver pops out of the TARDIS console, a new change for the Doctor.
As they leave, the screen changes to a scene of Amy's bedroom, and the Wedding Dress she has for her wedding tomorrow, I wonder what that 'stuff' she mentioned was about?
I loved this episode, new title sequence that I love, thought it had great thrills, a dark side, funny jokes, and a bit of mystery. This episode left me wanting more, needing to know what will happen next.
Great episode, I give it 4 smileys out of 5.
:) :) :) :)
Hope you guys enjoyed this post, and be here for next week, for my review on "The Beast Below", Series 5, Episode 2.

Thats all from me, Oliver, out.
I loved that episode too, Oliver!
I agree that Matt Smith is more dark than David Tennant.
But I would give it 5 out of 5 smiles for all the jokes!
From Casey
I absoloutly Loved the eposode to but personally i prefer david tennant because matt smith looks like a young old guy
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