Yes, Amy, we know you are pregnant. No need to clutch your stomach.
I know I am a little late with this review, but I'm here now, so yeah!
This ep is great, great, great! It has a lot of fantastic twists and turns, and a big plot, plus an interesting bad guy ...
Let's go!
Well, it starts with a countryside, a cottage, and a pregnant Amy Pond baking a yellow mixture inside.
Ooooh, cookies! I wonder which flavour?
Suddenly, she drops her bowl and spoon and clutches her bulging stomach, and screams one word: "RORY!" Meanwhile, Rory Williams is riding his bicycle back home, with a jacket on, and a ponytail, he hears his wife's screams. He takes a second or two, deciding what to do with his bike, before running into the house. Walking inside, he is suprised to find Amy sitting on a chair, eating her mixtures. "False alarm" she says. Rory comes and sits next to her, but then they hear a whirring sound, which reveals itself to be the TARDIS. The Doctor comes out, cracking the path, and meets up with the married couple. The three explore the "Upper Leadworth, actually, we've gone up-market" according to Rory. They sit down on a bench, and soon hear birds chirping and all fall asleep.
They all wake up, on the floor of the TARDIS, and all get up. They eventually work out that they all had the same "dream", of Leadworth, pregnant Amy, and Rory.
Doctor - Okay, not pregnant anymore?
They all talk about it for a while before hear the same birds chirping again, and they all fall asleep.
Waking back up at Leadworth, the Doctor, Amy, and Rory are totally spooked. The Doctor starts balbbering about "trandimentional, parallel universe", things like that. The scene ends with the Doctor telling Amy and Rory to "trust nothing, not anyone or anything" and to" hold on tight, this is going to be a tricky one ..."
They all wake up again, in the TARDIS, with the machine shaking and the Doctor not knowing what to do, saying he "Threw the manual in a supernova". They all are worried about which is real, all thinking that this place now was real. But the Doctor says "Yeah, but Amy, you thought it was all real when you were all ... elephanty!" "Hey" Amy says, pointing a spanner at him. "Pregnant" she says fiercly. "You could be giving birth right now!" the Doctor exclaims. The Doctor says look for anything that rings un-true. "Well" Rory says "We're in a spaceship, that'sb bigger on the inside then out" "With a bowtie wearing idiot" Amy puts in. "Valid point" the Doctor agrees, before the whole ship plunges into darkness. The birds chirp again, and they fall asleep.
Waking up in Leadworth, the Doctor starts giving theories to where they might be, pinching Rory's cheeks in the progress. The Doctor starts to find the local old-people's home a bit weird, thinking it wierd how "Everyone here lives to their ninety's" as Amy puts it. "There's something that doesn;t make sense" he says. Him and Rory start running off again, with Amy following, clutching her back and saying "For once, can we please not do the running thing?" In the old people's home, the Doctor and Amy inspect the elders, and one of the them puts the Doctor in a knitted jumper for their grandson. He looks at the Mrs Poggit, inspecting her saying she is very old. The birds chirp, and the fall asleep.
When they wake, the TARDIS is "bloody cold" as Rory fruitfully puts it. The Doctor tells them both to "not believe Mrs Poggit's nice old lady act if I was you". Everything is off in the TARDIS, the Doctor wondering who. A man appears, saying"That took a while". The Doctor is shocked, "How did you get into my TARDIS?" he asks the man, who is also wearing a bow-tie. He reveals himself to be the dream-lord, someone that isn't real there. It is also revealed that he is the one putting them in this state. He is somehow saying Amy has to choose between "her men". In both worlds, they are going to face dangers, inly one of the dangers is real. He makes the birds tweet, leaving them with the sentence, "Time to sleep, oh, or are you waking up?"
They wake up, now with the home empty. The Dreamlord walks in, and starts talking, with an x-ray of the Doctor's brain.
Dreamlord - Yes, Doctor, I compete in the olympics for holding my chin and reading at the same time, don't look so suprised.
Saying "he had aways been able to see through the Doctor", the Dreamlord starts asking the stuff. If you die in the dream, you wake up in reality. If you die in reality, you die forever. Once the Dreamlord disappears, the Doctorn realises that all the old people have gone. Ourside, Amy has contraction, with the Doctor holding his hands where the baby is supposed to come out. They hang out in the park for a while, before spotting Mrs Poggit following some children up a ramp. Birds chirp, sleeping time!
In the TARDIS, they are now really cold, and the Doctor is annoyed. He goes and looks for tools. Meanwhile, Rory is telling Amy how he wolud prefer the Leadworth dream to the TARDIS one, because it was everything he wanted. Amy doesn't agree, "Why would we give this all up?" she says. After working the Doctor's "device", an old-fashioned egg-beater, they get a view of outside and are confronted by a star burning cold. Rory starts to confront the Doctor, wanting the world he always dreamed of. The Dreamlord appears, and puts them all to sleep again.
Back in Leadworth, the Doctor, Amy and Rory walk up the ramp to find the children disentigrated to mounds of dust by Mrs Poggit. The Dreamlord comes back, and starts messing with their minds again. The Doctor exclaims there is only one person who hates the Doctor in the universe as much as the Dreamlord, therefore he knows who the dreamlord is. They are confronted by the old people, revealed to be Eknodine, with creatures in their mouths that turn people to dust. As Amy and Rory go back to the cottage, the Doctor witnesses a Eknodine turn a postman to dust,
Mrs Poggit - Look what comes out of my mouth! Die postman!
after some brief talking, he runs away. At the cottage, Rory has to hit an old lady to protect "chubs" (Amy). Inside Amy lies on the stairs, worried for the Doctor. Rory comes in the room, with a table to bar the door. "Don't worry" he says "you know the Doctor, he's Mr Cool!" Back on the streets, the Doctor is being put to sleep, but manages to hide in a butcher. Just escaping the Eknodines, he lets the chirping take him.
It is now freezing in the TARDIS, and she realises that she is choosing over the Doctor, the TARDIS dream, or Rory, the Leadworth dream. The all put on the "biggest crime in fashion" (pocho's) and get ready for the cold star. The Doctor devises a plan to split up, and the Dreamlord appears, agreeing and sending the Doctor and Rory back to Leadworth.
Rory wakes up, and, with effort, he drags the still sleeping Amy up the stairs into the nursery. He then takes a moment, staring at the baby cot, wondering if it was real. Now, the Eknodine have the TARDIS, and he is worried. The Doctor manages to escpae the butchers, and hijacks a van to help the people about to die from the Eknodine.
Back in the TARDIS, Amy is alone with the Dreamlord. He tells Amy of the true Doctor, and how he left her with the Dreamlord. She believes the Doctor trusts her. She believes she is the only girl in the universe to what the Doctor tells everything.
Dreamlord - So, how's your life, girlfriend?
Amy - Oh, well, I have to choose between two dimensions and between a Timelord, or a guy with a ponytail, so, nothing new.
He asks her what the Doctor's name is. He asks her to choose, to choose between the Doctor and Rory. "Amy's men" the Dreamlord says "Amy's choice". And then, he disappears. Amy bends down, looking at her "boys".
In Leadworth, the Doctor has gotten all the remaining townspeople to safety and makes his way to Amy and Rory's cottage. The Dreamlord appears in the van briefly, and asks the Doctor to choose, time to choose. The Doctor arrives, and is horrified to find the Eknodines destroying the cottage. Upstairs, Amy wakes in Rory's arms. Rory takes a brave move, and cuts off his ponytail.
"I was starting to like it" Amy says. The Doctor then manages to get in through the window (like the eleventh hour) and they all meet up again. All of a sudden, the baby is coming, and Mrs Poggit is getting through the window. She breathes on Rory, who falls in the corner and starts to die. He turns to dust, his final words "look after our baby".
"I was starting to like it" Amy says. The Doctor then manages to get in through the window (like the eleventh hour) and they all meet up again. All of a sudden, the baby is coming, and Mrs Poggit is getting through the window. She breathes on Rory, who falls in the corner and starts to die. He turns to dust, his final words "look after our baby".
Okay, not going to joke about this one, sob, sob!
Amy, is shocked, she has just lost the man she loves. "No ... come back ..." she says, as if not believing it. "Save him" she asks the Doctor, but he can't. "Then what, is the point of you" she says. She feels Rory's ashes, before standing up, holding the van's keys.
She goes outside, and into the van, knowing this is the dream since Rory was not there. After a breif stare-off with the Dreamlord, the Doctor follows. "I love Rory and I never told him" Amy says "and now he's gone". With that, they crash the van into the house.
The TARDIS, stone cold, all the levers frozen with snow and ice on them. And three humanoid figures on the floor. The Doctor, face frozen and cold, but his eyes still open. Amy Pond, scared for her boyfriend, yet her eyes still open. And Rory Williams, not knowing what is going on, yet his eyes still open. Amy and Rory clutch their hands together. "So, you choose this, well done, you got it right" the Dreamlord says, suddenly appearing. He warms the TARDIS up, and disappears, since "being defeated". Amy hugs Rory, and he says "well, this is nice, I like this, can you tell me what I did so I can use it in emergency's and maybe birthday's". The Doctor then reveals he is going to blow up the TARDIS, because actually, the Dreamlord made them choose between two dreams. An explosion, and then the screen goes blank.
Doctor - Look! Sparkly things!
The TARDIS, back to normal, the Doctor leaning on the console, and Amy Pond and Rory Williams comign down the stairs. He explains how it happened, a speck of psychic pollen fell into the time rotor (the middle collum thingy), heated uo, and made a dream-sate for all of them. He then frees it, blowing it through the TARDIS door. He then explains that the Dreamlord, was his dark personality, his being, just, bad! Amy then explains to Rory why she crashed the van, and how he died, and how she knew it was a dream because he wasn't there.
We all know the Doctor is really jealous of Rory right now.
Shocked but relieved and happy, Rory starts to kiss Amy, before the triplet of trouble heads off into the stars yet again.
This was a great story line, a great plot, a great everything!
I give it 5 out of 5 smiles!
:) :) :) :) :) / :) :) :) :) :)
So, some favourite phrases from this barrel of laughs:
Doctor - Whoah! You've swallowed a planet!
Amy - I'm pregnant
Doctor - Your huge!
Amy - Yeah, I'm pregnant
Doctor - Look at you when world's collide!
Amy - Doctor, I'm pregnant
Doctor - Oh, look at you both 5 years later and you haven't changed a bit apart from age, and, size. (Stares at Amy's stomach for a long while) "Are you pregnant?
Dreamlord - Ask me what happens when you die in reality
Rory - What happens?
Dreamlord - You die, stupid, thats why its called reality!
Amy - Oh, my boys. My poncho boys. If we're gonna die, lets die looking like a Peruvian folk band
Amy - AHHHHH! Okay, it's not coming.
Doctor and Rory - What?
Amy - (To the Doctor) This is my life now, and it just turned you white as a sheet, so don't you call it dull again. Okay?
Doctor - (Looking at Amy and Rory snogging) "So, well then, where to now? Or should I go down to the swimming pool for a few laps?"
Doctor - (Looking at Amy and Rory snogging) "So, well then, where to now? Or should I go down to the swimming pool for a few laps?"
Here we are, the end of another reveiw, oh and we have another double reveiw coming up, and a few spoiler words: A drill, a lizard race that the Doctor knows of, a fateful gun shot, and a brave woman named Naseryne!'