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Saturday, June 19, 2010

"Vampires of Venice"

Hey-lo everybody!

What have you guys been doing this week?

Well, I know I am a little late on this one, since "Vampires of Venice" aired nearly two weeks ago now! Still, I hope you enjoy my review!

Now, this episode starts with a father (Guido) desperatley seeking a school for his daughter (Isabella) and so goes to Signora Rosanna Calvierri, and begs for a place in her school. Signora Calvierri asks her son to inspect Isabella, which he does with great care and the mother and son accept the girl. They then seperate Guido and Isabella and once the father is gone, show their sharp teeth to Isabella, who, of course, screams.
Doctor - Hello, Rory! Sorry to crash the party of anything, but your girlfriend just kissed me, thought you should know.
Back in London, the Doctor believes that Amy tried to come on to him because of seperation from Rory and the stress on time travel, so pops out of Rory's stripper cake on the night of his bachelor party. He then proceeds to tell everyone Amy kissed him, thinking it will be funny.

He takes the couple on a date to Venice, 1580, and they enjoy it but then, across a river, they see Guido try to talk to Isabella, who is surrounded by a group of hooded girls, but is rebuffed when Isabella doesn't remember him, and Rosanna's son Francesco pushes him away, showing his teeth in the process. Before Amy can say anything, the Doctor is gone. He goes and catches Guido, and the desperate man explains that he thinks there is something wrong with the school, exclaiming in worry that his own daughter didn't even remember him. The Doctor makes his way into the school, and is soon surrounded by a group of the girls, who he can't see in a mirror, and show him their sharp teeth. VAMPIRES! He manages to escape, but only just.

Doctor - Wait a minute, I'm getting a vibe here, Vampires, um, something to do with the moon, um, Twilight?, no, New Moon?, no, um, oh, um, oh I know! Eclipse!
Meanwhile, Amy and Rory have gotten over Amy's little seducing spree, and are having a good time until they hear a scream, they find a lady, drained of blood, and Francesco walking away. While Rory tries to help the woman, using his doctor skills, Amy chases Francesco, but nearly falls into the river, with Francesco nowhere to be found. She finds Rory and then the Doctor, and they have a excited jump around, "Vampires!" Amy says.
Amy - Okay, we should stop getting excited, Vampires could suck our blood out.
Doctor - Glass half empty much ...
"In Venice!" the Doctor says. They make a plan in Guido's house, begging for Amy to get into the school so she can unlock a door that will let the Doctor and Rory in, with Guido ready for a get-away. Guido thinks the Doctor IS Amy's fiancee, which angers Rory, but he goes along with the story of him being Amy's brother.

They are succesful, and Amy finds Isabella, who still haven't been fully turned into a vampire-girl. At night, she unlocks the door, but is confronted by a school guard and is taken to a green room, where Roasanna and Francesco and a few girls wait. Signora bites her on the neck, part turning her into a Vampire.
In another part of the school, Rory is confronting the Doctor, worried for Amy, and telling the Time Lord how he is so good at saving people that humans make themselves want to be like him, and put their lives on the line for him, which is all-over true. They are surrounded by Vampires, but the Doctor uses a lamp-stick to vend them off with light.
Doctor - MY light, is bigger than yours! DAMN right, it's better than yours!
Signora - Yes I know, I've got beautiful skin, oh yes, I moisturise
Suprised by the commotion Rosanna and Francesco are caught off balance, so Amy kicks Rosanna in the leg, which de-activates her cloaking device and reveals her as a fish-like spider, but, turning her cloaking device back on, Rosanna and Francesco leave Amy, who is freed by Isabella and the girls meet up with the Doctor and Rory, they manage to escape, but at the last minute, Isabella is pulled back. While Amy, Rory, and Guido head back to Guido's house, Rosanna and Francesco and forcing Isbella to walk a plank, who is fooled, thinking they expect her to drown. Once in the water, she is attacked, and dies (which I think is a bit too cruel for Doctor Who).
The Doctor confronts Rosanna head on, and finds out she is a creature from Saturnyne, a race with fish-like Vampire qualities, who use perception filters and that is why they can't be seen in mirrors. She pleas for help, saying her world was destroyed by CRACKS IN TIME, and that her and Francesco need the water and are going to sink Venice.

Signora - What an incredible nose you have, Doctor
Back at Guido's house, the Doctor tells the others of this and heals Amy's bite with his Sonic (a new thing for the new Sonic Screwdriver) and declares her all better. After a while, they are again attacked by the Vampire-Girls and the Doctor, Amy, and Rory escape, but Guido (greaving the loss of Isabella), blows himself (shouting "YOU WILL NOT SINK US! WE ARE VENICE!") and the Vampires up, using gunpowder in his house. The Doctor tells Rosanna of this, and she activates a device in her throne as he leaves. Clouds form ove Venice, and the process of sinking it begins.

What a funky way to sink Venice!
Meanwhile Amy and Rory are confronted by Francesco, and Rory grabs a broom and they fight broom to sword for a while. Just as Franceso (now in fish form) is about to jump on Rory, Amy uses a make-up compact and reflects sunlight on the fish, and Francesco explodes. Amy calls Rory and "dud", but as he walks up the stairs she kisses him, and then says "Now we help the Doctor".

Doctor - HEAVE! Humph! HEAVE! Humph! HEAVE!
At this point, the people of Venice are panicking, and running around while it storms and rains on them. The Doctor is climbing to the top of the School's bell tower. And once he does, he has a minute of deciding what to do before pressing the right button and deactivating it. Once the city is saved, Rosanna is about to walk off the plank. The Doctor tries to stop her, but she says "Can you carry the burden of another dead race under your head?" before throwing herself into the canal where her offspring wait.

In the aftermath, Amy asks the Doctor if Rory can stay on, and he accepts. Amy goes into the TARDIS saying "Life is good, I have a time-machine, a great outfit, and my boys!" "We are not her boys" Rory says, before adding "Okay, yeah we are". The Doctor stops him before he goes into the TARDIS, saying "Do you hear that?" but there is obviously silence. "Nup, I can't hear anything" Rory says, not noticing anything different. The episode ends by going through the key-hole of the TARDIS, making it look like a crack in the universe.

Great ep, well, um, maybe a bit over-the-top, but what do you expect? It's Doctor Who! I do wish though that they would go on withe the story of the cracks in the universe, and the story of Amy, but yeah.

I give it 3 smiles out of 5.
:) :) :)

So, yeah, next episode is good though, "Amy's Choice" and one word : PREGGARS!!!
See you soon!


Unknown said...

vampires are very trendy these days so i guess we could've expected DW to do a vampiers thing. keep up the blogging you're very good at this but put more personal comments and review opinions in please cos you're funny. anyways bring back david tennant i say !!

Oliver said...

Hey Jill, (again),

Yeah, with the Twilight craze happening latley, and Eclipse coming out last week, I think DW was going to do a Vampire ep, but you know what, they aren't actually Vampires!
I still think it was great though, but with an abrupt ending.

Thanks, see ya!