How are you all? School just ended here and I am stuffed!
Well, anyway, I am here for another reveiw of Doctor Who, double episode, "The Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone".
Doctor - Come on everyone, let's look into the camera!
Riversong came back this two parter, and what a thrilling ride it was!
It starts with a pair of super high high heels, walking down a corridor, and burning a symbol into some wood. 12,000 years later, the Doctor and Amy find a "Home Box" in a museum, with a message for the Doctor, "Hello Sweetie!" I Love Riversong's catch phrase.
RiverSong - I'm coming over for a visit, Doctor!
Then, proving RiverSong is the coolest chickareita in the world, she flies from the ship she was on and lands in the TARDIS. "Doctor? River? Follow that ship!"
Professor RiverSong, the most kinky girl in the universe!
Riversong successfully lands the TARDIS, and the Doctor imatates the sound the TARDIS makes when it lands (Quite funny). They realise that the ship has crashed and the Doctor "sonics" Riversong so the 20 troops and Father Octavion can teleport down. Riversong then asks the Doctor "what do you know, of the weeping angels?". They then see a 4 second loop of the Weeping Angels inside a ship, and the Doctor and Riversong explain how the Weeping Angels move when you don't see. Riversong and the Doctor walks outside and when Amy looks back at the screen, the Weeping Angel has moved, she tries to turn the screen off, it moves again, she tries the door to the ship, locked, and the Angel has moved, she calls for the Doctor, who is reading a book about the Weeping Angels.
Weeping Angel - RARGH! I can come out of your computer screen, watch out, humans of earth, 2010!
The Angel starts coming out of the screen, and the Doctor tells Amy not to look in the eyes, which she is already doing. Amy then freezes the Angel on a blank spot on the tape, and is set free. As they walk outside Amy exclaims she has something in her eye.
The group continues to explore the caves, and one by one, the soldiers are picked off. Amy still has something in her eye, and when she rubs it, dust comes out. Riversong lies and says, this won't hurt as she injects Amy, but it reallys does.
RiverSong - Let's point our torches at the Doctor and taunt him behind his back! Weee!
"You're so his wife" Amy quietly remarks. They continue to explore and suddenly realise that, since the statues are dead people, the dead people of the Aplans, the Aplans have two heads, so why don't the statues? Because they are all Weeping Angels!!! The group escapes, knowing that the original Angel was coming because it used the voice of a dead soldier, Bob, through the Doctor's comunicator. As the Doctor rushes past, Amy screams, her hand is stone! The Doctor convinces her that her hand is not stone, and the Doctor bites it. "Ew! Space teeth!" Amy exclaims.
The team reaches the space ship, but doesn't have the climbing equipment to reach it. The Doctor does something unbelieveble, and fires a gun, taking out the gravity globe, and the team jump!
They end up upside down on the spaceship, wathcing the statues transform into Weeping Angels, they are in trouble now! The Doctor jumps through a port hole, proving to Amy the weird ways of physics. Once all inside (The Doctor, Amy, Riversong, Father Octavion, and 4 troops), they realise they must switch the lights off to get past the door blocking their way. Weeping Angels start to fill the corridor, worrying!
Weeping Angel - Hehe! I bet we're really freaking them out now!
The Doctor tells Amy to set the Sonic Screwdriver to setting 4, but she says 10 for some reason. They mangage to turn the lights off, and get through the door without any damage. They then do this again and find themselves on a secondary flight deck.
Bolting all the doors, the Doctor says they have just 5 minutes until the Angels get through. Amy says 9, but pretends she didn't. The Doctor unlocks a big door, and they find a forest, but not any forest. An oxygen factory! "8" Amy says, but the Doctor doesn't notcie. Tree-Borgs suck in light and energy from stars and breathe out oxygen! "Have I impressed you yet, Amy Pond?" the Doctor asks. "Wow" she replies and adds "Seven!" on the end. The Doctor looks her close in the eyes, but is interupted by Angel Bob, talking through the speaker. The Doctor manages to make the Angel say comfy chairs. "Ha! Six" Amy replies at this. "Okay, Bob, here's the question, what have you done to Amy?" The Doctor asks. Bob explains that he has taken her over, and will kill her when she gets to one (the counting is to make her scared). "Doctor I'm five!" Amy excalims. "I mean, um, five. Wait, fine! I'm fine!" The Angels start laughing, because the Doctor hasn't notcied "it".
The Crooked Smile (nuff' said)
The Doctor then notices a crack in the space station wall, the crack from Amy's bedroom. He gets everybody out, and the inspects it with his Sonic. "Thats very not so good!" he says.
Doctor - No! My jackets too cool to be ripped apart!
He is then surrounded by Weeping Angels, who grab his jacket. He convinces them that the crack is the end of the universe, which it was, and manages to escape by taking off his jacket.
In the forest, meanwhile, Amy is on the ground, clutching her head. She has counted down to 3, and she is dying. The Doctor works out that to stay alive Amy needs to turn off the Angel in her mind, so she closes her eyes and stops dying.
The Doctor, Father Octavion, and River leave Amy with the 4 troops, who see a white light and one by one, go into it, leaving only Amy and one troop. The troop, tries to tell Amy that there were no other troops, seemingly forgetting them once they go to the light. He walks off, but leaves Amy a com-link, and they talk for a while until it cuts off, leaving Amy all alone, with her eyes shut.
Meanwhile, the other three find the first flight deck, and as River goes through, Octavion begins to be strangled by Weeping Angels.
Weeping Angel - My ... precious ... (poor Father Octavion)
The Doctor doesn't want to leave him, but Octavion tells the Doctor of how Riversong killed a man, a very good man, and so she is sentenced to prison. The Father tells the Doctor not to trust her, before, in a fit of tears, the Doctor leaves him to die.
The Doctor gets in touch with Amy and tells her to walk, to walk like she can see. River asks the Doctor how they stop the white light, and he tells her a big space-time event should shut it up for a bit, he is going to sacrifice himself. If you walk into the white light (which is gaining on the now only three) you would of never had been born.
Amy keeps walking, but is soon surrounded by Angels, she tries to walk past them, but, for probably the only time in history, you see the Weeping Angels move to kill Amy. As she is about to die, Amy is teleported to the first flight deck.
Doctor - So? Hmmmm? Can I have my jacket back now?
The Doctor then confronts the Angels, and activates the gravity of the ship once again, and the Weeping Angels are sucked into the white light, closing it up (for now).
They manage to get out of the wreck, and Riversong promises the Doctor to see him when "The Pandorica Opens" saying she remembers it well. I am pretty sure "The Pandorica Opens" is the title of the first episode of the series finale two parter, oh! Well anyway, Amy wants to go home, and reveals to the Doctor she is getting married, but somehow, for a weird reason, tries to seduce him and kiss him, saying when she was blind she needed him.
Amy - Kisse kisse. Oh, wait, you're not Rory.
He pushes her away, but realises that the date of Amy's wedding is the day that the white light is to be set on the universe. He then runs into the TARDIS, and whisks Amy away, determined to sort her out.
Loving both episodes, but a bit weirded out by Amy loving the Doctor, and how we saw the Angels move, but can't wait for Riversong to return in series finale!!!
I give "The Time of Angels" 3.5 smiles out of 5
:) :) :) :
I give "Flesh and Stone" 4.5 smiles out of 5
:) :) :) :) :
Don't miss out on "Vampires of Venice" next week! Oh, and I will give you a clue, they aren't actually Vampires!
I have an action figure update!!!
Series 5 Wave 1 actions figures are out in London! (Don't know when for NZ though, sorry)
This wave includes 8 characters, from Series 5 episodes 1 to 5.
It includes ...
1. The Doctor, in tweed jacket and all (with Sonic)
2. Amy Pond ("Victory of the Daleks" outfit).
3. A screaming Weeping Angel (that is crumbled and regenerating).
4. A British ironside Dalek.
5. One of the new Daleks (red colour, but the actual name is "Dalek Drone" for some reason).
6. Proffesor Bracewell (with robotic bomb reveal chest, and swappable arm)
7. Peter the Winder (with changeble Smiler Face)
8. Hawthorne

So, yeah, see you guys soon!
1 comment:
i really don't like the stone angel thingys cos they are scary so i didn't really take to this episode so much. and where is david tennant bring back DT, DT forever etc etc etc
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