Wow, okay, so big two-parter again, but no RiverSong this time, but another old enemy lurking in the shadows. It was great and quite sad at the end, the horrible Silurian shot ... but yeah, if you have missed it, here we go ...
Okay, it starts with a man and his son, and the man is reading to the boy. The boy is dyslexic, and so has headphones to listen to audio-books. The mother comes out of the house, and sets the man off to work with his dinner. He goes to his job, at a mining operation, and celebrates with Nasreen and Tony, on their drill digging 21km under the earth's crust. Later that night, the man is working and feels a jolt in the drill compound. He goes to check it out, and it is a hole in the ground with a weird black dust in it. He feels around in it, before it sucks him in.

The Doctor - Hey, has anyone noticed we ain't in Rio?
The Doctor lands the TARDIS, 2020, and Amy Pond steps out into a graveyard and church, expecting to find herself in Rio. She isn't, however, and is disappointed. "The ground feels strange" the Doctor remarks, jumping up and down. The three explore the graveyard, and the Doctor finds blue-grass, which is not explained why or what or how or anything. But then, on a hill, are two figures waving at them. The Doctor looks through a pair of binoculars, and is surprised, it is Amy and Rory from the future, reliving past memories. They wave at them, before sighting a drill, not far off, the Doctor and Amy go since the Doctor "loves a drill thingy", but Rory stays behind to put Amy's engagement ring in the TARDIS.
Back at the drill, Nasreen is inspecting the patch in the earth with Tony, and they are questioning how it got there, worried and spooked. In the TARDIS, Rory is staring at the ring, I think thinking about the life he would have with Amy on the hill. At the drill compound, the Doctor and Amy are breaking and entering (wait, no, "Sonicking and entering" according to the Doctor), due to his new-found interest in it.

The Doctor - See? You just point it and, wham! Instant unlocking process!
Rory exits the TARDIS, and is surprised by a woman, Ambrose, and her son Elliot, who had called Policeman. Ambrose leads Rory, thinking he is a Policeman to the thing she wanted. Ambrose is worried about people being dug up out of their graves, but on the surface, the graves look fine. When you look inside, though, their is nothing to be found.
The Doctor and Amy are walking through the drill, with the Doctor questioning Amy about how the ground feels to her now. They find Nasreen and Tony, who is surprised to find them, and is shocked to find what Amy is wearing. "I dressed for Rio" she says. The Doctor makes them up a disguise, and the Doctor examines the floor. He soon wants them to get out as the ground starts to make steam and shift. More holes form in the ground, and Tony starts to get sucked in. Nasreen saves him, but Amy is pulled in to the ground.

Amy - But Doctor! My skirt is too pretty for dirt! Noooooooooo!
Meanwhile, Rory is inspecting the grave, when Elliot starts to talk to him. "The graves around you eat people" he says, before walking off and getting him tea. At the drill, the Doctor, Nasreen, and Tony are talking about how the ground "wanted" Amy. They soon realise that the ground wants to stop them drilling, it isn't active when the drill is off, but it is active when its on. The Doctor scans the floor, "bio-programming" he says. The ground bio-programmed to attack when they started the drill. Nasreen had stopped the drill, but when the Doctor puts his ear to the ground, and can still hear drilling. They realise the blue-grass was a sign, don't dig here. And then the realise that three heat signals are moving up, they are going to be out of the ground in 12 minutes. They grab the equipment, and go to get Ambrose and Elliot, the only people in the area.
Outside, Nasreen and Tony are shocked to see they are surrounded by a red force field, when the Doctor flings a rock at it, it rebounds. He scans it, and realises they are trapped. Rory, Ambrose, and Elliot meet up with them, and the group escape to the local church. The Doctor explains to Rory what happens to Amy, and he promises to get her back. Rory is obviously sad, but helps the Doctor. Ambrose is getting worried in the church, she wants to know stuff, and is worried about her husband. Elliot is worried for his dad too, but the mother and son cooperate, getting recording devices.
The Doctor - Hey! We're like Scooby Doo! I'm Shaggy, cause I'm cool. Tony, your Fred, cause your old and wise. (Tony - Hey!) Nasreen, your Velma, cause your smart too. Ambrose, your Daphne cause your so kinky. Elliot, your our Scooby Doo, cause your the only one left. And Rory, oh wait, Rory, okay, um, just stay out of this one!
The Doctor wants the whole area covered with censors, and he also wants Elliot to mark out where they are. "I can't read the words, I'm dyslexic" the boys says. "Well, that's alright, I can't make a decent meringue" the Doctor replies. If any of the aliens move, they would know. Ambrose wants to fight, with axes and tazers. The Doctor convinces her to not use the weapons, but she doesn't put them away. Elliot asks the Doctor is he misses his home, and the Doctor replies "so much" he then lets Elliot go looking for his headphones. The creature finally comes, and its arrival makes thing dark.
Inside, Tony and Nasreen kiss. "Tony ... (shocked)" Nasreen says, and Tony replies "Like you didn't know." Everyone gets inside, and waits for the creature, but it disrupts all the devices, rendering them useless. The ground starts shaking, and the Doctor listens to the surface, while the creature comes through the final layer of earth. At this point, Ambrose realises Elliot isn't with them. The Doctor tells how he let him look for headphones, and Ambrose is furious.
Elliot - But I'm to cute to die!
Outside, Elliot is running back to the church, but at the door, he is confronted by the creature. It then captures him, with the others only standing on the other side. Ambrose goes running after him, and finds his headphones, so she cries. She is then attacked by the creature, but saved by Tony, her dad. The creature strikes Tony with it's tongue on his neck.
By the van, the Doctor is using his cool sunglasses that are infared, to identify the "cold-blood" race. He then captures one of them by spraying it with fire extinguisher foam, and stuffing it in the van with Rory's help. "Saving the world with Meals on Wheels!" he exclaims, high-fiving Rory.
Far underground, Amy Pond was being held in a very small space, and is worried, I would be, I'm claustrophobic! After some harsh words to her capturers, she is put to sleep by gas.
In the basement of the church, the Doctor has a chat with their prisoner. The prisoner is wearing a mask, with body armor and green skin. The Doctor removes it's mask, revealing a stunning green Silurian woman. "You are beautiful" the Doctor remarks, before complimenting all the Silurians had done to him the past day. He grabs a chair, he discusses Amy, and why the Silurians want to come back to earth. The Silurians name is Alaya, and she had been hibernating for about 300,000,000 years, until humans penetrated their oxygen bubble with their drill. A warrior class was sent to earth to wipe out the "vermin" as Alaya puts it. The Silurians want their land again, and they would fight for it. The Doctor would not let the Silurians start a war.
The Doctor - Wow, green, that's soooooooooo out of the ordinary ...
The Doctor wants to go down and negotiate with the Silurians, which the others of the group are not allowing. They think the Silurians are aliens, but they are obviously not, they are homo-reptilian, they ex-inhibitors of the Earth. Tony wants to dissect Alaya, but the Doctor says no. He wants the four of them to be the best of humanity, the best. Nasreen claps, but is stared down by the rest of them.
At the TARDIS, Nasreen wants to come with the Doctor, and after some hard discussing, the Doctor lets her. "No way" she says as she enters. "It's fantastic" she says "It's great!" Soon a jolt makes the Doctor realise the Silurians wants them to come.
Nasreen - Oooooooooooo, please can I come!
The Doctor - Ah, no, it's way to cramped in this old thing ...
The three on the surface confront Alaya, saying they want their family, and they will keep her safe. "No" Alaya says "one of you will kill me. I know which one will do it." Later, Tony looks at the disease spreading across his neck, from the strike Alaya gave him, and is extremley worried.
The Doctor and Nasreen come out of the TARDIS, to be a lot far down in the earth's crust. Nasreen is confused, "Why aren't we burning alive?" she asks. They soon follow one of the tunnels.
Amy wakes up, on a sort of up-righted table thing. She is held in place, and finds herself next to Mo, Ambrose's husband. "Don't struggle" he says "it's called de-contamination." Amy soon works out she is going to be dissected by the Silurians. A Silurian starts to walk towards her, with a knife at the ready. Amy starts to struggle.
The Doctor is expecting about a dozen Silurians, but what he finds out over a balcony surprises him, a entire city, living beneath the earth.
The Doctor - Ooh, ah, okay then, a little bit more than a dozen
So, continuing on from this episode, is the stunning "Cold Blood":
The Doctor and Nasreen are exploring the city, and the Doctor is saying where they should go, when Nasreen worries. "Is this the best approach?" she asks. The Doctor replies "Yeah, front door approach, always the way". He is proved wrong when suddenly an alarm goes off and they are surrounded by Silurians. One steps infront and doses them with some sleeping gas.
Malohkeh - See, this is my magic wand, and with it I cut you open.
Meanwhile, Amy is about to be dissected. The green Silurian finishes the de-contamination, and gets ready to dissect her. He uses a device to lock her to the chair, but is stopped as suddenly an alarm goes off, and runs off. Amy manages to get out of her chair, thanks to a pick-pocketed device, and saves Mo and herself. Together they explore the city, and come across a door, and inside the room, is Elliot. He is wired up and can't hear Mo as he pleads for his son. Amy convinces Mo to calm down, and then they both agree to find guns and force the Silurians to get Elliot out.
Up on Earth, Ambrose is inspecting the grave, obviously angry and sad. "You lied" she says as Rory approaches "you told us you were the police". She does the whole "what did we ever do" speech and gets a bit emotional. Rory promises to get her son and husband back, as long as they keep Alaya safe.
In the Silurian city, the Doctor is being scanned. While over in the other side of the room, Malohkeh (the Sikurian doctor) and Rustac (the Silurian army commander, and also Alaya's sister) exchangen heated words over the fate of the Doctor and Nasreen. Rustac is also worried about her sister. Malohkeh starts the de-contamination process, and the Doctor starts to shake vigorously, as the process is removing half the things keeping him alive. Malohkeh sees this, and stops, much to Rustac's disliking.
Back up in the village, Alaya is curious why Tony isn't dead. They talk a bit, before he goes against his family by offering her a chance to escape for the cure to her venom. She declines, saying it would be much funner to watch him die. "The first ape death of the coming war" she says.
Downstairs, the Doctor and Nasreen are feeling much better until Rustac orders her guards to take them to the exucution and courtroom. She will send the "vermin" on the surface a clear message, his and Nasreen's exucution.
Amy - Wow, Mo, you think we can take them all on on our own?
Mo - YEAH!
Amy and Mo - (Fist-punching each other) POWER RANGERS!
In other places, Mo and Amy are still exploring when they come across two hibernating Silurians. They go inside the tubes, and find their own escape route once the've found the Doctor. They grab the weapons, and go to face the Silurians. Once out of the corridor they are confronted by a sight, thousands upon thousands of Silurians hibernating. "We have to find the Doctor" Amy says, backing away, gun at the ready.
At the church, Tony is looking for a cure to the venom. Ambrose suddenly works it out, and is worried once Tony shows her the venom mark (which has crossed his chest now, and is a disgusting green colour). Ambrose stays calm, and helps her dad.
In the city, while the Doctor and Nasreen are being taken to their exucuction, the Doctor explains about the Silurians. Only a few were awake, and they had escaped down here because they had thought an apocolypse was about to happpen, when really it was the moon coming in line with the earth. The Silurians confront him about his other encounters with them, and he tells of how the humans attacked another tribe of Silurians. "Vermin race" Rustac says in disgust.
In the basement of the church, Ambrose is confronting Alaya. She wants the cure for her dad, and she wants her son and husband. When Alaya doesn't say, she produces a taser from her pocket, and threatens to use it. Alaya now knows who will kill her and why, so doesn't give in. She taunts Ambrose about her family until Ambrose uses the taser on her and kills her. Rory and Tony hear the screams and come to help, they are quite shocked with Ambrose, who breaks down before their eyes.
Mo - Hey look everybody! we're on the computer!
Everyone else - Yeah!
In the Silurian courtroom, the Doctor and Nasreen are getting ready for their deaths. Suddenly, Amy and Mo come barging in from both exits of the room, in all their glory. It's cut short, as Rustac grabs the gun off Amy and gets her guards on Mo. Now the're all gonna be exucuted! Malohkeh stands up to Rustac, but she bulllies him into leaving, back to his laboratory. While they are chained to pole, the Doctor explains the Silurians to Amy.
Nasreen - Oi! Easy on my hands! Not too tight!
In the village, they are all worried, the're only bargaining chip
gone. Soon, on a broken computer screen, Rustac comes online. Ambroe covers Alaya, and Rory comes forth to speak for them. They have some discussion, and the three upstairs get worried once they see the others ready for exuction. Ambrose rebels, and wants her family back. After a long silence, Rustac replies in a horrible voice, "No". "Exucute the girl" Rustac says, and then the screen goes blank.
The guards have their guns ready, Rustac calls it, and "STOP!" a voice shouts from the end of the room. Eldane, the kind of leader of the Silurians stops the exucuction, being lead to the room by Malolkeh. Rustac is suprised, but follows Eldane. Malohkeh doesn't like it this way, and wants the exucution stopped. Eldane dismisses Rustac, who leaves the room with this sentence, "You will need me, then we'll see".
The screen in the church comes back on, and Rory is relieved to find Amy unharmed. The Doctor wants them to come down with Alaya, and they are all worried what might happen when they all find out, since the Doctor is being real happy. "Gotta dash, hurry up!" the Doctor says, and the screen goes blank.
In the courtroom, the Doctor sets up the meeting of sharing the planet between Nasreen, Amy, and Eldane. He gives Nasreen and Amy the title of representatives of earth, and leaves them to discuss. "Now, Mo, let's go get your son" he says, before leaving.
In the mining complex, the three humans (and the dead Alaya), are getting ready to go on the "geo-thermal gravity bubbles" and ride down. Ambrose is worried, through, since they brought four discs, one more for Alaya. She asks her dad to do something we don't know about yet, and he is instantly rebellious. "No, no, no!" he shouts, "I won't do it!" Ambrose convinces him to do it, not for her, but for Elliot.
In the Silurian city, Malohkeh shows how much he adores humans beofre setting Elliot free, and after tearful reunion with the Doctor and his dad those three leave. However, Malohkeh stays behind, to check the pod is still operational.
In the courtroom, there is heated discussions over how the earth would be shared, and a voice over by Eldane, quite a nice touch, but yeah, and Amy starts agreeing and saying "Why don't they have all the deserts?" and things like that. Nasreen is still rebellious, but Eldane gives the help of resources, and scientific advances. Nasreen starts to agree, but still needs more convincing. At that, the Doctor walks in, clapping. Now, there is shaking, and that sounds Rory, Ambrose, Tony, and Alaya's arrival. In another tunnel, Malohkeh find something disturbing. Rustac is waking her troops, saying "We need to protect out world against the apes" with that, and with about twenty guards behind her, she kills Malohkeh.
Once Rory and the rest arrive, the Doctor, Amy, Nasreen, and Eldane are really shocked to find Alaya dead on the floor infront of them. Once it is revealed that Ambrose did it, Elliot backs away, terrified of his mother. The Doctor is furious at the woman, calling her "less then the best human she could be" or something or rather. Ambrose takes this, and doesn't stanhd down. Rustac and her troops arrive, Rustac wanting her sister. She cries for Alaya, and then is angry, wanting to kill Ambrose, until the mother reveals her plan. The drill is going to start burrowing in 15 minutes. "Exucute her!" Rustac screams, but the Doctor saves Ambrose, and manages to get them all to saftety by exploding the Silurian guns with his Sonic (have you noticed he doesn't actually use it much this series?). They run down the tunnel, laser beams following them.
The Doctor - Oh Yeah! You afraid of the Sonic? Oh Yeah!
They all get themselves in Malohkeh's lab, and Tony reveals his venom. He gets Eldane to run the de-contamination process on Tony, it being the only way to save him. Silurians are at the door, and all the Doctor can do is blow up the drill. "Squeaky bum time!" the Doctor says. Eldane will run a "toxic fumigation" to get all awake Silurians into Hibernation again. "The earth isn't ready for us yet" Eldane says. The planet is to be shared in 3020, in 1000 years. "Aha, super squeaky bum time!" the Doctor says. Tony has to stay behind, so the de-contamintation can run it's full course. The fumigation starts, and the troops run to hibernation, and they all run for the TARDIS. Nasreen reveals that she is gonna stay aswell, go through hibernation with Tony, and will wake in 1000 years. "I can't leave my life's work when I've only just found it" Nasreen says. The fumigation completes, and everything gets working.
Amy - Rory! I know there's light in the wall but don't go into it!
Doctor - Don't go into the light, Rory!
At the TARDIS, the Doctor notices, again, all the time, the crack in the wall. It is in the Silurian city now, and Amy is super dupa worried. The Doctor takes a hankercheif, puts his hand in the crack, and pulls out an object, it is not revealed what it is yet, so we'll just have to find out! Rustac crawls out of the shadows, and tries to shoot the Doctor, instead, Rory jumps infront of him. Amy is in shock, can't beleiving what she is seeing. The Doctor tries to help, but can't. The light from the crack starts to latch on to Rory, so the Doctor pulls Amy away. She is in fits of tears, and inside the TARDIS, is starting to not remember Rory. The Doctor helps her focus, but she forgets him once she loses focus as the TARDIS shakes. They all get out of the TARDIS, and are just in time to see Nasreen's life work go up in flames.
But I wanna go to Rio NOW! (Sob, sob)
Ambrose and the Doctor share a really passionate discussion, ending with Ambrose setting out to make Elliot the "best of humanity" in the way she couldn't be. Back at the TARDIS, Amy waves at herself, since Rory isn't there. She then pauses, a sad moment, and when the Doctor asks, she says "I thought I saw somebody else there for a second". He makes an excuse to be left alone, needing to fix the lock. To this, Amy replies "You boys and your toys" to which makes me wonder, does she still remember Rory? But yeah, it is revealed that the object the Doctor got from the crack was indeed a piece of the TARDIS, a little chunk of it's sign.
OMG, WOWEE! I love how this two-parter had a great plot, like sharing the earth, and I love how it got on with the crack in the wall story. Even though Rory died, I bet he is gonna come back in the next four eps though, cause he can't just die! And I know Amy remembers him, cause she has to! I'm grateful the planet didn't get shared, cause that will be a great storyline for next series: The Doctor meets Nasreen and Tony, and some evil gets thrown into the mix, and the planet gets shared!
So, now for the ratings:
I give "The Hungry Earth" 4 smiles out of 5
:) :) :) :)/ :) :) :) :) :)
I give "Cold Blood (which is rather a terrific name) 4.5 out of 5
:) :) :) :) :/ :) :) :) :) :)
Some fab phrases:
Episode 1:
Doctor - Ten years in your future. Come to relive past glories I'd imagine. Humans, your so nostagic.
Doctor - Oh, look. A big mining thing. Oh, I love big mining things. See, WAY better then Rio. Rio doesn't have a big mining thing.
Amy - This is breaking and entering!
Doctor - What did I break? Sonicking and entering. Totally different.
Elliot - Have you met monsters before?
Doctor - Yeah
Elliot - You scared of them?
Doctor - No, they're scared of me.
The Doctor - Anytime you wanna help
Rory - Can't you Sonic it?
The Doctor - No, it doesn't do wood
Rory - Aw, that's rubbish
The Doctor - Oi! Don't diss the Sonic!
Episode 2:
Doctor - That's much better thanks. You don't have any celery, do you?
Nasreen - Oooooooooooooooo, a green man!
Nasreen - (To the Doctor) We can't share the planet! Nobody on the surface is gonna go for this idea, it's just to big of a leap.
Doctor - Come on, be extrordinary
Nasreen - (Staring at him, being convinced) Oooo, mmph, fine then.
Doctor - The first meeting of representatives of the human race and homo-reptilia is now in session. Wow, I've never said that before, that's fab, carry on. Now, mo ...
Doctor - (Pointing Sonic Screwdriver at Silurian) Stay back! This is a deadly weapon!
Wowee! Okay then, that is The Official Doctor Who Blog Double Review 2 over! Wow, okay, phew! So, next time on Doctor Who ... Vincent Van Gogh, a brilliant painting, and a Graface!
Oh, and by the way guys, you can blog and tell me what you think, like how you would rate it, or where I was wrong! It's cool!
See you guys next week!
this is a great summary. keep up the personal comments and the picture comments cos they are funny and you are a very sharp writer. sadly no other dr who will match david tennant for me so i shall be stuck in the past forever !!
That's great, Jill!
I love how people are always writing back and thanks for the compliments. I want to know, though, what are your views? How did you think this ep went, and did you think the ending was good?
Keep up the comments, Oliver
I think it's excellent that your summaries are so detailed so that even someone like myself who doesn't watch every episode can understand and become up to date just by reading your blog!
Camille x
Hey, Ol, you have retold the episodes very succinctly. I particularly enjoyed the selected quotes at the end. Having been a Dr W from Day One, I'd say these episodes are up to scratch, but you have to have Daleks to have a real Dr W story. Love, M
I completley agree with you, Marilyn! The Daleks are a big part of Doctor Who, and really, they have to be in every series!
What do you think of the new Daleks? Bulky and Colourful?
See ya!
well, the colourful daleks are great !! but some who are more conservative might think they are not "real" Dr Who. And by the way, David Tennant was a great doctor and very cute !!
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