Hello, and welcome to my Doctor Who update on everything!
And, last but not least, we have the TARDIS handbook. Ah, I love this book. It's great with info from all the way back to the 1960's. It has a run-through of the different TARDIS's throughout the last 50 years. I've had it out of the library a month now, and I can't put it down!
Thanks to all who commented, it all really great!
Doctor Who Action Figures, Series 5 Wave 1, The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Hawthorne, Peter the Winder, Professor Bracewell, Dalek Ironside, Dalek Drone (red), and Weeping Angel
The Eleventh Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver
Anyway, there have been lots of new things in Doctor Who stuff, like the Series 5 Wave 1 of Action figures I told you about a couple of weeks ago, and stuff like the Eleventh Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver, and everything to The TARDIS Handbook!
So, in the line of stuff as I said, we have action figures, like the Eleventh Doctor's Crash Set (featuring "the raggidy Doctor" figure, and the Eleventh Doctor in tweed jacket with Sonic)
Doctor Who Action Figures, The Eleventh Doctor's Crash Set, with "The Raggidy Doctor" and The Eleventh Doctor.
We have a series of novels, the first three called "Apollo 23", "Night of the Humans", and "The Forgotten Army".
We have Series 5 Voume 3, who's cover art has just been released, and features the "Amy's Choice", "The Hungry Earth", and "Cold Blood". Plus some cool special features!
And, last but not least, we have the TARDIS handbook. Ah, I love this book. It's great with info from all the way back to the 1960's. It has a run-through of the different TARDIS's throughout the last 50 years. I've had it out of the library a month now, and I can't put it down!
The TARDIS Handbook.
So, a great update for you guys, remember, keep replying, and I'll see you soon!
wow lots of stuff you can buy. better see if ya aunty in london can help ! or you could start your own dr who online merchandise store here for australia and new zealand. what about sending matt an email to see if he'll come down under and talk (and maybe come to dinner at our house ). Tell him to bring david tennant too (oh and john barrowman as well) - now that would be a great party !!
It would be great if we could tie in your website to ours, we've just launched and are in the middle of building our community.
If you want to join a new forum dedicated to Doctor Who then come over to http://citadeloftimelords.boards.net/
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